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Andrew Feenberg - My Inspiration

"What human beings are and will become is decided in the shape of our tools no less than in the action of statesmen and political movements. The design of technology is thus an ontological decision fraught with political consequences. The exclusion of the vast majority from participation in this decision is profoundly undemocratic" - Feenberg

What Feenberg is saying is we as humans will follow and become moralistically the same as our technology just as we follow our statesmen and political movements. If this ideology is true than we are doing this technology thing all wrong entirely. We cannot allow our tools that we create control how our morals become but instead use the tools we have made to influence our morals in a more positive way. These tools my generation has been given are the most advanced and powerful tools history has ever seen. It seems that with a simple click of a button we have the ability to broadcast ourselves across the world in less than seconds. It is almost like throwing a fishing line into the ocean and waiting for a fish to bite.










About Andrew Feenberg

Andrew Feenberg is Canada Research Chair in Philosophy of Technology in the School of Communication, Simon Fraser University, where he directs the Applied Communications and Technology Lab. He has also taught for many years in the Philosophy Department at San Diego State University, and at Duke University, the State University of New York at Buffalo, the Universities of California, San Diego and Irvine, the Sorbonne, the University of Paris-Dauphine, the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, and the University of Tokyo and the University of Brasilia. Dr. Feenberg is Directeur de Programme at the College Internationale de Philosophie for the period 2013-1019.

Feeberg talks about how the difference between success and failure is dependent on how efficent the technology that is being used is. He is basically saying that we are only as efficent as our technology. Personally, I have no problem with this as our technology has grown tremendously and has become rather efficent. I feel that with the technology I have today in front of me I can do just about anything on the computer relating to projects and ideas of mine. There is always a free version of some software that can get the job that im looking for done. For example this website and website builder! Along with all these power creation tools that I have been given comes an entire host of social media tools that allow me and my voice to become heard across the world! It's absolutley amazing!

Citation: "Andrew Feenberg's Website - About Andrew Feenberg." Andrew Feenberg's Website - About Andrew Feenberg. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Dec. 2013

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